Designed and developed 'Web Games', featuring HTML/CSS/JS games for an interactive online experience.
Designed and developed 'Web Games', featuring HTML/CSS/JS games for an interactive online experience.
Developed the 'PuzzleKid' game for Android using Kotlin, offering challenging puzzles for young players.
Designed and developed 'Movio', featuring HTML/CSS/JS games for an interactive online experience.
Crafted 'QuiZGeeK' game for Android using Java, offering engaging trivia challenges for users.
Designed and developed 'Honey & Nuts', featuring HTML/CSS/JS games for an interactive online experience.
Crafted 'SpaceWars: Rebels vs Empire' game for Android using Java, offering engaging trivia challenges for users.
Crafted 'SlideTheNumber: Rebels vs Empire' game for Android using Java, offering engaging trivia challenges for users.
Crafted 'Feed the Fish' game for Android using Kotlin, offering engaging trivia challenges for users.
Crafted 'SuperTicTacToe' game for Android using Java, offering engaging trivia challenges for users.
Crafted 'Just 2048' game for Android using Java, offering engaging trivia challenges for users.
Crafted 'FlySurvival' game for Android using Kotlin, offering engaging trivia challenges for users.
Crafted 'SUPERHEROES Crush' game for Android using Kotlin, offering engaging trivia challenges for users.